Sunday, December 27, 2009

15 things you would like to say/do at WORK Part 2

"Okay, okay! I take it back. Unscrew you"
"You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing"
"Well this day was a total waste of make-up"
"Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble wrap is cheap. You choose"

"Do they ever shut up on your planet?"
"I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable"
"Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realize you haven't gone to sleep yet"
"Back off!! You're standing in my aura."
"Don't worry. I forgot your name too."
"Not all men are annoying. Some are dead."
"Wait...I'm trying to imagine you with a personality"
"Earth is full. Go home."
"A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth."
"You are depriving some village of an idiot."
"If assholes could fly, this place would be a freaking airport."

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