Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Decoding Women's Personal Ads:

  • 40-ish ...................... 49.
  • Adventurous .............. Slept with everyone.
  • Athletic .....................No breasts.
  • Average looking .......... Moooo.
  • Beautiful ..................Pathological liar.
  • Emotionally Secure ... On medication.
  • Feminist .................... Fat.
  • Free spirit .................. Junkie.
  • Friendship first .......... Former slut.
  • Open-minded ............. Desperate.
  • Outgoing ................... Loud and Embarrassing.
  • Professional .............. Bitch.
  • Voluptuous ................ Very Fat.
  • Hugh frame ............... Hugely Fat.
  • Wants soul mate ....... Stalker.
  • New-Age ................... Body hair in the wrong places.

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